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We are proud to be a Michigan Company

Saving Money for Michigan Residents since 1946!

And doing it with solid protection, value, honesty and trust.

toll-free (800) 243-6296

Fax current policy to us for a quote

at fax = (517) 851-7861 or just enter info below

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions and answers that you may find helpful.  If you have a question, just give us a call.  Or, go to the contact section of this web site.

Q: How did you save me so darn much money!
A: Because we represent several different companies, it is not uncommon for us to save someone hundreds, or even more than $1000 per year compared to what they are currently paying.

Q: How do you get paid.  Are there fees to me to use your service?
A: There are absolutely no fees to you to have us run quotes for you.  There is also no fee or sales charge to you when we write your policy through one of our companies.  We are paid by the insurance companies just like any other agent you may call.  The difference is that we are contracted with SEVERAL insurance companies.  So we can compare for you without you answering the same questions over and over and over.